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The Centonomy Christmas hangout with Betty Kyallo

The event which one much anticipated happened on 2/12/2017 at  Desmond tutu opposite Safaricom house it was a transforming one and memorable one. We were able to get as much from the time spent there thanks to Centonomy for organizing such a great event. We had several speakers who shared they experiences and they take on investment and life in general. The inspiring and self motivated Waithaka Gatumia who was the first speaker who empowered us with so much about investing, encouraging words. Some of the powerful words from him are I am unique, I am special, I am able and I am headed for greatness.He kept reminding us of these facts and asking us to share with our friends about how unique we are. Another takeaway from him is that the image that you wish to portray or already portraying should be resource and not a bunden. We thank  him and thank God for his presence in our life at that moment.
They was also another speaker called who talked about some of the important investment you need to take on: social network, acquiring experience in a certain field.  equiping yourself with the right skills, always striving to be creative at all times and having faith that what you wish to do and achieve with come to be a success.
It was also exciting to see and to hear from the founder of Centonomy Waceke Nduati who began by saying that we need to become entreprenuers in this current world and she gave entrepreneurial rules which one need to embrace:
1. Be willing to fail. No success comes without failing and difficulties and you just need to take the lesson from that failure and keep on pushing yourself.
2. Be willing to look like a fool. This was so much surprising to me but later i came to see the meaning of it. All of us prefer and wish everything should be cool  and awesome and don't want to go through the process of making that extra coin.  This is one point i had an experience about lately recently they was a graduation in JKUAT so i thought to myself why can't i sell lollipop and biscuits and make something from it. I was very hesitant about the idea and i was just asking myself why this idea come until i asked my cousin that  i have an idea of selling snacks during the graduation ceremony. She was so much amazed and surprised of how i come up with such a brilliant idea. To cut this story short we did it with her and was successful. So the lesson i have learnt from that is that you need to be willing to look like a fool for what you want in life.
3. Be willing to not make money now but make money later. Having money, a car, a big house does not make you less of a human being. You need to be you at all time.
4. They is something unique about everyone. That extra thing you can perform better than others. You need to identify it and take advantage of it .
5. Life is not always about me but service to the humankind too. You need to have a bigger vision of how to service the community and better result will be accomplished.
6.Great things happen when you are on the path of success.  Every great story and success started with just an idea. You need to begin your journey everything will follow. You need to be on the bus and ask yourself what do i need to do.

Finally our hangout was graced by Betty Kyallo who is a brilliant  journalist and MC.She was very happy and celebrated my the fans due to her great value she has given to the society. She mentioned her years and left everybody in shock due to her tender age and the massive influence and deeds she has done so far. We thank God for her. She gave her journey in life which was very inspiring, interesting and empowering. We all resonated with the story and was so real. The moral lesson of the story was always "seize the moment". Being present at every minute and taking full advantage of each opportunity that comes your way. .


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