Technological advancements have been a key spot of change that have occured in the world. Every day there are new things coming up which are more complicated, more advanced and require more effort to learn them. People are working day and night on researches, experiments, brainstorming on how to solve a problem using technology. I bet technological advancement in the new revolution that will happen and happening now. With the great tremendous changes happening everyday it will cause us to change and adopt it since everything will revolve around technology. Some of the technologies causing a lot of shock waves in the local market kenya and beyond include: MPESA- this is a product powered by Safaricom and its a people's product and everyone resonate with it among kenyans. It reached 10th year anniversary this year and was hugely celebrated for the tremendous transformation it has made. For those who are not aware what MPESA is all about its a combination of swahili and english where...